The Terra Verde Home Rocking Bird Garden Stakes provide a unique and whimsical accent for any garden. The painted steel birds balance on top of a sturdy steel stake and rock back and forth in the wind. 19.5 W x 22.5 D x 62 H. Attractive rust finish.
The Terra Verde Home Rocking Bird Garden Stakes provide a unique and whimsical accent for any garden. The painted steel birds balance on top of a sturdy steel stake and rock back and forth in the wind.
The Terra Verde Home Rocking Bird Garden Stakes provide a unique and whimsical accent for any garden. The painted steel birds balance on top of a sturdy steel stake and rock back and forth in the wind. 19.5 W x 22.5 D x 62 H. Attractive rust finish.
Pickup Only. This kinetic eagle will be the centerpiece of any landscape. 76 high, with a 56 wing span, this jumbo eagle rocks in the wind, and adds a touch of whimsy to every garden. Attractive rust finish.Size: 76 HColor: Rust
This mega-sized kinetic owl will be the centerpiece of any landscape. 84 high with a 79 wing span, this jumbo owl rocks in the wind and adds a touch of grandeur to every garden.Size: 84 H x 79 WColor: Rust