Munstead Lavender is an English Lavender that has fragrant, cool lavender-blue spikes and gray-green, mounded foliage. You can tuck this lavender into your herb garden, but we love it planted with other colorful perennials in borders, planted in a massive swath where it can sway in the breeze, or set in a pot on the…
Tiny fern-like foliage is smoky bronze purple with hints of green. An attractive ever-spreading soft mat will tolerate light foot traffic. Perfect for around stepping stones and as a groundcover. Quickly spreads by runners. Dark green flowers in early summer are the ‘buttons’. This variety was formerly known as Cotula squalida, a.k.a. Creeping Cotula. Leptinella…
An outstanding dwarf form with large, single, long lasting, pure white flowers that attract butterflies. Excellent for perennial borders, and containers. Resistant to heat, drought and humidity
Becky Shasta Daisy (Leucanthemum superbum ) showers the garden with classic flowers from mid-summer to early fall. Cheerful 3-4-inch flowers of white petals around a golden-yellow center flutter on sturdy stems. Lovely as cut flowers they are easy-care, long-blooming additions to a border, container, or cutting garden. Deer and rabbit resistant too.
One of the most popular cultivars of Ligularia! The most striking feature of Desdemona is the foliage. In spring, the new leaves emerge beet-red, fade to greenish-bronze on top, and remain purple on the undersides. The stems are even purple too! In late summer, golden yellow, daisy-like flowers are produced just above the compact mound…
The bright red flowers are pollinated by hummingbirds and are enormously attractive to these birds. Butterflies and bees will also visit the flowers. It is also good for cut flowers but the stems do have a milky sap. The flowers are followed by capsules containing numerous small seeds. Under the right conditions cardinal flower will…
Dramatic scarlet-red flowers rise on dark stems. A well-branched narrow 8-10” habit offers a columnar appearance to boldly add color where no perennial has fit before. Well-suited for use in rain gardens, around ponds and streams and other moist areas. Spires will live long and prosper from mid-summer into fall. A must-have perennial. Resistance is…