Best grown in moist, well-drained soils in full sun. Tolerates some light shade. Best performance is in cold winter climates with cool summers. Site in areas with good air circulation to help rid the dense foliage of moisture. Somewhat intolerant of urban stresses such as air pollutants and salt spray. Plants will struggle in the…
The ornamental Dorothy Wycoff Pieris (Pieris japonica Dorothy Wycoff ) easily grows into a true garden standout. It s stunning, from the new red growth on slender lanceolate-ovate leaves, to the intricate flowers that last and last in early spring. The bell-shaped flowers are compared to Lily of the Valley, and add a delightful fragrance…
Katsura Japanese Andromeda features dainty chains of rose bell-shaped flowers hanging below the branches in early spring. It has attractive burgundy-tipped dark green foliage which emerges scarlet in spring. The glossy narrow leaves are highly ornamental and remain dark green throughout the winter.
Pieris Mountain Fire (Pieris japonica Mountain Fire ), also know as Japanese Andromeda Mountain Fire, is a partial-shade garden show-stopper! Pieris Mountain Fire offers so many interesting features, you ll wonder why you waited this long to plant a few! An amazingly ornamental evergreen, Mountain Fire will add some gorgeous color to your landscape year-round! From the…
A genuinely exquisite broadleaf evergreen shrub much cherished for its delicate and showy chains of small white bell-shaped flowers and bright red emerging foliage, one of the hardiest cultivars; performs best in moist, organic and acidic soils. Scarlet O Hara Japanese Pieris will grow to be about 10 feet tall at maturity, with a spread…
Apples are generally late blooming. They need full sun, well-drained soil, and moderate fertility. Thin fruit to maximize quality and size. Susceptible to codling moth, apple scab, powdery mildew, and gophers. Self-fertile, which means that the variety is pollenized by itself and is a great pollenizer for different varieties of the same fruit. Harvest 4-5th…
Apples are generally late blooming. Need full sun, well-drained soil, and moderate fertility. Thin fruit to maximize quality and size. Susceptible to codling moth, apple scab, powdery mildew, and gophers. Generally self-fertile, which means that the variety is pollinated by itself, and is a great pollinizer for different varieties of the same fruit. Harvest 4-5th…
The Honeycrisp Apple is a mid-season blooming apple for commercial or home orchard use. Its explosive crispness, outstanding flavor, and a storage life of up to seven months make this one a true winner. It s a cross between Macoun and Honeygold. The University of Minnesota introduced this beauty in 1991. The semi-dwarf size is…
The Jonathan Apple produces medium to large, bright red fruit. This edible plant s fruit has a crisp, white flesh that is tinged a slight yellow. This apple is great for fresh eating and cooking. The Jonathan Apple also can easily be stored. This is the semi-dwarf size apple tree, which as its maturity will…
Of the more than 2,500 different cultivated varieties of apple trees in North America today, the most famous and widely planted is the red delicious. Perhaps because of its mild, sweet flavor. Possibly because of the long storage life. Or maybe because the name is so appealing.Legend states that the red delicious apple was named…
Apples are generally late blooming. Need full sun, well-drained soil, and moderate fertility. Thin fruit to maximize quality and size. Susceptible to codling moth, apple scab, powdery mildew, and gophers. Self-fertile, which means that the variety is pollinized by itself and is a great pollinizer for different varieties of the same fruit. Harvest 4-5th year.
A striking upright evergreen shrub for home landscapes, maintains a dense, compact shape without pruning, features stunning yellow foliage that turns amber-gold in winter; hardy and adaptable, best with adequate sun, protect from drying winds Amber Gold Arborvitae is a dense multi-stemmed evergreen shrub with a narrowly upright and columnar growth habit. Its relatively fine…
Everyone loves round, evergreen balls. But why spend time clipping and shaping, when you can plant something that grows into a perfect sphere all by itself without help? Mr. Bowling Ball® Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis Bobazam ) is a dwarf, rounded cultivar of the species. Also known as White Cedars, these pretty shrubs are native to…
The Dark Green Arborvitae has an improved form and a richer dark-green color, retaining its color better during the winter months. It has a dense fan-shaped foliage. Is an excellent plant for background or screening in the landscape. The size can be controlled by yearly pruning, if desired. Matures to be around 15-18 tall x…
Outstanding Qualities An exceptional selection of the eastern arborvitae, Degroot s Spire is very popular because of its narrow, columnar form with dense green foliage that sometimes twists and layers over itself. This conifer, of intermediate size, is often used for hedging, screening, or as a single specimen.