Outstanding surface and subsurface insect control, specifically designed for vegetable and flower garden use. One application provides season long control (3 months). Fast acting and easy to use from our custom designed shaker jug. A partial listing of insects and crops include: Wireworms, seed maggots, weevils, cutworms, billbugs, armyworms, mole crickets, cranefly… on beans, peas,…
Kills all weeds and grasses, roots and all! Prevents new growth for up to one full year. An excellent choice for driveways, patios, fence lines, gravel paths, parking areas, side walks, curbs… (Higher concentrations and coverage than competitive brands)
Potassium Salts of Fatty Acids From Plants Kills insects on contact. Ideal for houseplants, vegetables, flowers, fruits…Patented formula does not persist in the environment and may be used up to day of harvest. Suitable for organic gardening.
Molemax RX Mole Repellent Stake; Battery Powered Stake Emits Chatter Warning To Repels Moles From Lawns & Gardens; Long Lasting Battery & Sturdy Construction Repels Moles Without Chemicals; Can Remain In The Soil Year Round. Â
Contains Trimec® three way herbicide for effective weed control to the roots. Systemic. Rainfast upon drying. Contains See Spray non-staining blue marker dye.
Bonide 5lbs. Rat Magic Rodent Repellent Granules People & Pet Safe When Used as Directed. Repels rats, chipmunks, squirrels & other rodents. Designed for outdoor use. Biodegradable. Creates a repellent barrier up to 1,000 sq. ft.
Rat Magic rodent repellent. Designed for outdoor use to repel rodents such as rats, chipmunks, and squirrels. Features a unique combination of essential oils. Naturally drives rodents from around homes, garages, gardens, sheds, patios, wood piles, barns, stables, cellars, and trash cans. Contains cedar oil, castor oil, clove oil, and peppermint oil. People and pet…
A post-emergent product that kills yellow and purple nutsedge – roots, shoots and nutlets. Also kills over 60 other grassy and broadleaf weeds. Dual action killing: Uptake by both leaves and roots. May safely be used on both Southern and Northern grasses.
Controls: Aphids, flower thrips, leafminers, mealybugs, tent caterpillars, whiteflies and other leaf eating caterpillars. Use on roses, flowers, ornamentals, shrubs and shade trees.
Use on fruits, vegetables, shrubs trees & ornamentals. Plant diseases controlled on listed vegetables, flowers, fruits and ornamentals including but not limited to: Anthracnose, Leaf Blights, Downy Mildew, Powdery Mildew, Leaf Curl, Scab, Black Spot, Fusarium Leaf Spot, and many more diseases listed on the label. Application:• For listed vegetable & ornamental diseases spray until…